The Glastonbury Goats & Trash To Treasure
Our FLL team and their innovation project was the inception of Goats for Good

“One Brick, One Team, One Dream. The Glastonbury Goats make it happen!”
About the Goats
The families of the Glastonbury Goats gave the Goats for Good its start. The kids discussed several innovation project ideas and landed on one that would make a positive environmental impact. The idea for Trash to Treasure was born!
The kids had a blast on the Trash 2 Treasure project. They did a neighborhood trash drive, created amazing art from recyclable materials, studied the potential positive impacts they could drive and created a website with embedeed artificial intelligence. The website was an amazing STEM-based activity that gives aspiring artists, green-thumbed enthusiasts and others the ability to ideate on how to reuse items around their house to make art, and in turn reduce trash hitting the landfills. It was also a journey of education and awareness.
In the end, the kids and families collectively decided that we wanted to have the opportunity to do more, to continue to drive other programs and have an organization and venue to make that happen. In comes the Goats for Good!